Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Whole New World

Costa Rica. I began believing that I was in a new place the minute I saw only the ocean beneath me. I looked out my plane window and saw beautiful islands and then just the blue waves for the first time. The San Jose airport was not much different from any other, and so my first real taste of Costa Rica was on the bus ride to Puntarenas. I actually fell asleep 20 minutes into it and when I woke, I saw masses of green plant life, including palm trees and flowers of all sorts along the road. The road itself was small, and I held my breath every time we passed an oncoming semi.
The city of Puntarenas is small, and I can walk just about anywhere. It is not a rich town, as seen by a few fences on the outskirts made of sheet metal, but it is evident that the people love color. Every house is different somehow, and each establishment embraces color. In that sense, the city is beautiful. Exquisite flowering plants of all kinds and color line the sidewalks, that is one of my favorite things. Our neighbor owns a parrot whom, when I first heard it, I thought is was an old crazy lady yelling at random people..
My family is very nice and helpful. The parents have an 18 month old (Maria Paula), and a 9 year old (Maria Pia). Maria Pia is constantly bringing cards or board games into my room to play. She also loves to give makeovers to each other. Most of the people here are friendly, especially the older ladies. They will look at me, smile, and greet me with a simple, "Hola." This place is almost always hot and humid. I do not even need to wear regular lotion because of the humidity. Last night, I ran into a couple girls from my program and we went to have a beer. It was about 10 o'clock and the rain hit us. It was a constant, heavy rain that flooded some of the streets. Only then, was it actually slightly chilly. I am however, getting used to the heat. While we were out, I was able to try a Costa Rican beer called "Imperial," I very much liked it.
My family is very fun and happy, and they feed me more than enough. The food is quite good, but a person must like rice and beans because that is a staple here. I have that at least once a day with some other food. Tonight I bought a mango at the market and it was delicious..
Well there is much to write, but my family wants to watch a movie with me so this is all for now. Chao!


  1. ah sounds pretty amazing.. I like the idea of just walking through the market and picking up fresh, exotic fruits to snack on. And I bet you love being able to say "hola" 20x a day and have it make sense lol. Sounds really cool. I don't know how you hack the heat though. I can't even handle the humidity here now. Omg it's bad. Makes for a tough workout. Anyway, take lots and lots of pictures (like I even have to say it) and I'll talk to you later tonight!

  2. Brenna! Sounds like a beautiful experience so far! And it sounds like your host family is very kind and accommodating. I hope you are doing well and enjoying your time there. I'm sure it's tough being away from those you know and love, but what an amazing opportunity to draw closer to the Lord. Praying for you!
    ~ Brittany
